Friday, November 9, 2007

Primary Election 2008

Primary Election 2008
Sorry Neo-Cons, I'm not going away. In fact, THE INCE2008 is currently raising money for the soul purpose of purchasing signs.That right, signs! , Signs that will be places all over the state. We already have an order in for 1500 signs and we will be ordering more.This is the first serious of campaigning tactics out on the Ince2008 camp.I will let Blunt and Nixon fight, while I gain respect and creditability.Wait, we have only just begun. This campaign will make history, and by August 2008 this grassroots cause will be monumental, I promise.Signs and supports will grow. TV Ads will run. Speeches and luncheons attended. The momentum will grow. For the Grace of God is upon this campaign.Next month, I will be purchasing (with my own money) a Van. I will have it decaled with Ince2008 campaign logo, I'll hire a driver and I will hit the campaign trail.The Ince2008 train has left the station and it is building up steam. It will hit the August 2008 primary with such force that the entire country will hear it, and Nixon, well he will feel it long before November 2008.The excitement it growing here at the campaign head quarters for myself, my family and volunteers. More support is encouraged and we are growing in numbers, while Blunts approval rating falls.This is a historical movement and I hope you join us and be apart of the history.I have been quite for several months. I have been ill and have had a death in my family. I have been taking care of my Mother who is grieving over the loss of her brother. I believe in the importance of family and I put them first, and God above all.I thank everyone who has been supportive of my throughout this time of calamity and need. I have re-evaluated and assessed the situation and have seen the need of my candidacy, and now that I am feeling better and my mother is as well. I feel it is time to kick the campaign up in to full gear. I do this for God, Family, and State. I remember my uncle Gary Lee Davis, a Sergeant in Vietnam that served his country in a time of an unpopular and remember his sacrifice. In memorial, I know he would not want me to quite or with drawl from this race. This campaign is in his memorial."All gave some and some gave all" so for Sergeant Gary Lee Davis I will give all to this campaign.

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