Monday, November 19, 2007

Gov. Blunt Is Wrong

Back in 2002, The Missouri Senate passed a bill creating "Missouri Sheriff Methamphetamine Relief Team" (MoSMART). That was seven years ago, and the problem is still there, no matter what the statistics say. Almost as many people die from the use of Meth as those who are admitted in to treatment. Missouri incarcerates more drug users then violent offenders, murders and rapist get probation or parole more often. Now Governor Blunt want to spend $1.8 million in a program that will continue to exactly what it has done for the past seven years, nothing. If the program worked then why are there still more users, more labs, and more dealers of Meth, then there was fifteen years ago? In theory, the problem has had enough time to eradicate the problem, but it has barley effected the problem. With $1.8 million we could create a state substance abuse treatment facility, where these ill persons who are afflicted with drug addiction can be treated. If an addict is arrest for a drug related offence and the court sentences them to five years the addict can serve those five years in the state treatment center and would not be released until they serve their five years and complete the program. The incrimination of a drug addict is as logical as incriminating a person with schizophrenia. Persons with a mental illness need help, and not addict receives beneficial treatment in a prison. Don’t get me wrong some should be incarcerated; addiction is no excuse for crimes like murder, rape, or arson. Anyone who commits homicide or burglary shall pay restitution to their victims and to the state. It does not matter if they have an addiction, a mental illness, or a bad upbringing; they have a debt to pay society.

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