Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal Responsibility
Voters approve taxes increases, why not voter approval on spending limits. After all it is our money; they should spend it according to the will of the people.Government spending is out of control and it time the votes have some control over it. So I propose that the voter approve annual budget spending limits, which the Governor would have to restrict balancing the budgeting to. It would be limited to that amount and no more. This limit would be revised by voter approval every four years. If the state budget is over the approved spending limit then the Governor shall cut spending and balance the budget to meet the yearly spending limit. When the spending limits are termed at the end of the four year period, the Governor shall analyze state income and spending, review increases and budget cuts to determine if the spending limits shall be increased or reduced. The finds shall be finalized as a proposition and submitted to the Secretary of States office to be placed on the November ballot occurring in conjunction with the Presidential Election, for voter approval.This will generate fiscal responsibility in the State and grant control unto the people over State spending.

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