Wednesday, August 8, 2007

political party affiliation

Political party affiliation
Statement:August 4, 2007The following is a statement from Candidate C. Anthony Ince, on political party affiliation:"Recently I have had my ideologies questioned, if they are Republican or Libertarian. Also it has been questioned if I am qualified to be Governor. So I am posting this statement to answer those questions specifically.""I consider myself a Jeffersonian in political principle, and I am as conservative as Ronald Reagan. When Reagan ran for Governor of California, his conservative pledges where to reduce the cost and size of Government, and to return as much power as possible to the private sector. These are similar pledges to those in my platform. So yes, I am economically conservative.""I have much in common with Republican Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. His Freedom Principles posted on his Congressional web page match up with my principals perfectly.""The Ron Paul Freedom Principles":"Rights belong to individuals, not groups. Property should be owned by people, not government. All voluntary associations should be permissible -- economic and social. The government's monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud. Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges. The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the governments."I support the separation of church and state.I favor States' Rights and a strictly limited federal government.I strongly support Representative Democracy.I believe citizens have a civic duty to aid the state and resist corruption.I believe that the national government is a dangerous necessity to be instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; it should be watched closely and circumscribed in its powers.I believe Republicanism, also known as representative Democracy, is the best form of government and representative democracy is needed to prevent the tyranny by the majority, as Madison explained in Federalist No. 10.I believe that the wall of separation between church and state is the best method to keep religion free from intervention by the federal government, government free of religious disputes, and religion free from corruption by government.I believe that the federal government must not violate the rights of individuals. The Bill of Rights is a central theme.I believe that the federal government must not violate the rights of the states.I believe that Freedom of speech and the press is the best method to prevent the tyranny of the people by their own government.I believe that a standing army and navy are dangerous to liberty and should be avoided; much better was to use economic coercion such as the embargo.And the belief in these principles makes me a Jeffersonian.As to the question of if I am qualified to hold the office of Governor of Missouri Is easy answered.Art. IV, § 3 and Art. VII, § 8 Constitution of MissouriAt least 30 years of ageCitizen of United States for 15 yearsResident of Missouri for 10 years before electionI am 31 years of age, I was born in the United States so I am a citizen by birth, and I have been a resident well more than 10 years.If it is experience that you’re talking about, I have no more experience then the first Governor of Missouri Alexander McNair. And I am as much a political freshman as Robert Marcellus Stewart the 14th Governor of Missouri. And I am far more qualified then Frederick Dozier Gardner who was Governor of Missouri from 1917 to 1921. The list goes on and there are other not even connected with Missouri.
I am currently the Missouri Republican Liberty Caucus state coordinator, and I was the 2006 Chairman of the Business Advisory Council.Sincerely,C. Anthony Ince, Republican

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