Sunday, August 5, 2007


The debate about abortion has been a long-winded dialogue amongst politicians for generations. The Pro-Life, the Pro-Choice, the Pro-Abortion, and the Anti-Abortion are the positions on the issue that politicians take no matter what their party affiliation may be. And it seems to be that there is no other position to take on the issue. Especially with PAC's, and Special Interest Groups funding the politicians, who take such positions, it’s surprising that voters don't hear much about alternative medical practices. Any candidate that is seeking money to fund his campaign is either Pro-Choice or they are Pro-Life if you want money.I take a different stand on the issue. I believe that Abortion is outdated, that it is a primitive medical practice just as Primordial as Primitive cranial trephining, the surgical opening of the skull. For course today we have far more advanced tools and medicines, however medical science has progressed and advanced beyond such procedures.Since the 1970's computers have advanced rapidly, medical research in all areas has made remarkable progress. In 1978, the first test tube baby Louise Joy Brown was born. In 1997, Yoshinori Kuwabara of Juntendo University in Japan, developed the first artificial womb that successful in sustain fetal goats for several days. Recently, Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University was successful with growing cells from the inner lining of a human uterus on a biodegradable scaffold. When growth was complete, it brakes down, leaving an artificially grown uterus. Liu used human embryos from in vitro fertilization and got them to attach to the inside of the artificial womb, where they survived for several days. Liu was not able to determine how much longer the embryos would have survived because the experiment was stopped to comply with regulations that place time constraints on human embryo studies.Ectogenesis is the creation of mammalian life outside the womb. It is the same science used by both Hung-Ching Liu and Yoshinori Kuwabara. I support Ectogenesis over Abortion, the fetal removal from the uterus to an artificial womb. The marriage of these fetal sciences with a 100% success rate is ideal, but most open fetal surgery causes premature delivery. So much more research is needed to advance Ectogenesis in the area I am supporting. The importance of funding research for the advancement of ectogenesis science, and public awareness will be necessary to replace abortion.Imagine a surgical procedure that can successfully remove the fetus from the uterus and place the unborn child in an artificial womb where is grows to full term. That means the pregnancy is terminated and the life of the child is saved, this is Pro-life.C. Anthony Ince

1 comment:

Jaceal said...

Yes,I agree; but i think researchers are not doing their best due to moral problems.Despite the "success" of Liu and the Japanese, no money is invested in ectogenesis,this time technology is more advanced than society.
Ectogenesis is more than a solution to abortion; is a healthier life,gender equality,reproductive rights for everybody,embryo space colonization,a surrogate solution... but it has its dark face as clonation,bioengineering...
But,sooner or later, we will have to face it and try to respect everybody's rights.