Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Missouri 2008 Governors Race

The date is August 1, 2007, and the media has been talking only about Nixon and Blunt as if they are the only two candidates running and this is not true. The fact is there are officially 3 have completed filing with the ethics commission, one (myself) has paperwork pending with the Ethics Commission and the other a libertarian candidate has not filed as of yet.

Still, the Missouri media will turn a blind eye to all the others. Nixon and Blunt are generating exposure and having a pissing competition over returning campaign contribution after the recent Supreme Court decision. Why doesn't Nixon, an Attorney, file a request for the courts opinion on the matter and end this whole argument. Personally, Missourians have better things to worry about and so should they.

I am aggravated with the media’s recently having ignored every press release I have submitted. I makes one wonder if it really is the media that controls the elections by control of information.

I have issues with both the other candidates. Nixon's failure to submit evidence in a criminal care resulting in the criminal getting waling free. If he can't effectively do his job as Attorney General, then more than likely he won't be able to do the job of Governor. As for Gov. Blunt, he stole $72,000 dollars for the Dept. agriculture funds so the former director of the department of Agriculture could pay off his sexual harassment suit for sexually harassed one of his staff members. And another thing about Blunt while he was reformatting medicaid and taking away peoples Government dependancy on state healthcare his whole term in office, the crime rate in this state rose. Blunt and Nixon Both prove how tough on crime they can be.

So if you want ignore me. If you want Blunt to stay in office I hope you feel save. If you think Nixon is the man then look at his record on his job performance, and look at the mess he made with Child Support. If you trust these two bureaucratic Politicians, I feel sorry for this state and pray you open your eyes and see that is not how a free society should be.

God Bless Missouri,

C. Anthony Ince (R)
Governor 2008

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